author Tiago Diogo

Tiago Diogo


  • Causes of pain in the hip joint, probable diseases. Diagnostic methods, therapeutic indications and preventive measures.
    12 January 2022
  • The main symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and their importance in the diagnosis of the disease. Signs, depending on the stage of development of the pathology.
    1 January 2022
  • What is osteochondrosis and the causes of its occurrence. Methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine: medicines, exercise and folk remedies (compresses, infusions and decoctions, applications, rubs, therapeutic baths).
    30 September 2020
  • Causes, symptoms and stages of development of lumbar osteochondrosis. Diagnostics and methods of treatment: medicines and physiotherapy, gymnastics and massage, recipes of traditional medicine, surgery. Prevention.
    17 September 2020