Pain in the hip joint develops with injury, damage to the bone connection, or various inflammatory actions. To reduce the syndrome, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. Conservative therapy is prescribed after diagnosis.
7 December 2021
What causes pain under the left shoulder blade. Types of pain for different diseases, how to determine the disease, which doctor to contact. Emergencies with pain.
19 October 2021
Why does the back hurt in the lumbar region and what to do? Probable causes and symptoms of diseases, methods of treatment of pain syndrome.
4 October 2020
Why does the back hurt in the lumbar region? Causes and symptoms of probable diseases in men and women. Diagnostics, methods of treatment, prevention of back pain.
26 September 2020
What is osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Symptoms of the disease, treatment and prevention.
18 September 2020
Arthrosis: description of the disease, pathogenesis, provoking factors, symptoms, diagnostic measures and treatment.
11 September 2020